The idea of building a congress center in Krakow has been in the works for years. Though the city has not yet managed to carry it out, novel architectural concepts have recently been presented by the Ingarden & Ewý Architects design studio from Krakow and Arata Isozaki & Associates from Tokyo. These designs for furnishing parts of the center clearly allude to the concept presented, whereby a second amorphous shape will be found under an open-work elevation, holding conference halls. The boo seats presented correspond with the shape of the center, as does the base of the al bar table. The simple, delicate construction recalls the facade of the center and its surface divisions. The table also features a hanger for a coat or a purse. The tables and seats allow the space to be arranged as desired, and are intended to facilitate contact between their users (they can be arranged in rows or groups of seats, as places for socializing and discussion), providing room for small objects to be placed. The color schemes of the set form another connection with the architecture of the center.