A defibrillator is a medical apparatus that serves to restore blood circulation and breathing, do electrotherapy, stimulate the heart muscles, monitor the vital parameters and to send research results. It is used by medical emergency personnel working in extremely difficult circumstances. As a result, the overriding design criteria is ergonomics. Speed of usage and elimination of error can be decisive in saving lives. This does not mean that other factors – tech- nology, economics, or aesthetics – can be outright neglected. To design an apparatus of this sort responsibly, one has not only to listen to the rescuers themselves, but also to observe the application procedures in person. As might be supposed from the documentation prepared, the designer did detailed study not only of the work processes and the legal and medical aspects, but also the tasks and construction of all the sub-units that make up this fairly complex product. It has paid off with many conveniences, such as special grips for safely passing the defibrillator, a rearrangement of cables and electrodes, and an improvement of the system for securing the apparatus during transport. The construction, assembly and information parts appear logical, though ultimately all of these innovations have to be verified after the construction of the prototype.