Big Beat was an important cultural phenomenon in socialist Czechoslovakia, and one that was controlled by the authorities. Some musicians were forbidden to make public statements, other groups had difficulty arranging performances and grappled with various kinds of restrictions and censorship. Listening to the underground group The Plastic People of the Universe was tantamount to open opposition to the communist regime. In the 1970s and 1980s people often manifested their musical preferences through their clothing, hair styles, or portable gadgets. For his BA work, Marek Ehrenberger has reinterpreted these old recordings in a modern fashion, designing a collection of five album covers. He chose three records he most enjoys (Marta Kubišová, Miki Volek, Máma Bubo) and two albums by groups that he has never much liked (The Plastic People of the Universe, Zikkurat). For each record he selected an original style, which he then developed down to the smallest details, both in the illustration and the typography. Each concept is not only stylistically linked to the music, but also to the characteristic attributes and life stories of the performers. With this approach, the records – though the designs are quite different – visibly create a series.