This design was created in the framework of the Educational‑Design Program, carried out by the Poznań University for 10 years. In this program the students are prepared to work with industry, and the resulting products generally respond to real user needs. The UNI basin is one such example. It was designed in conjunction with the Polish Marmorin company, whose products include basins and wading pools. The basin made of poured marble has already gone into production and is available in two versions: matte and shiny. The technology has allowed for a very smooth and precisely finished surface. The indubitable aesthetic assets are not the greatest advantage here, however. The product is a great example of universal design. It has been constructed so that elderly or disabled people can use it, including those in wheelchairs. The designer visited hospitals and old‑age homes, and contacted people who needed assistance. The information she gathered served to formulate the design premises. The basin is deep and shallow, which means a person in a wheelchair can comfortably pull up to its rim, and the side handles allow for stable support and raising oneself, e.g. when getting up.