The time is gone when designing postage stamps was a valued and lucrative branch of design. The role of the post office in society’s system of communication is losing significance alongside the development of computer technology. In spite of this, Boglárka Nádi decided to put this small scrap of paper “under the magnifying glass” and design stamps for the Hungarian Post. She has successfully managed to translate seven Hungarian folk tales into a series of stamps, devoting a souvenir sheet comprised of four different stamp denominations to each. Nádi has also designed special edition collectors’ items – envelopes, postmarks etc. Her graphic elements allude to folk handcrafts, yet despite the use of floral backgrounds and borders, the visual language remains simple and clear. The majority of stamps are printed in two color versions.
This design was appreciated for its consistent application of graphic components, its subtle and synthetic visualization which attests to the designer’s historical knowledge, its homage to inter‑war design culture, and lastly, its attention to a neglected field of graphic design.
This design was appreciated for its consistent application of graphic components, its subtle and synthetic visualization which attests to the designer’s historical knowledge, its homage to inter‑war design culture, and lastly, its attention to a neglected field of graphic design.