Dominika Valentovičová (SK)
The Script Hunter — Mapping of writing systems in the world used in the 20th century
B.A. project
Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava
doc. Mgr. art. Pavol Bálik
The development of various writing systems is a crucial part of human history. Along with the evolution of nations, their languages and religions, writing and the principles which govern it have also undergone changes. In her work, the author shows samples of about 100 existing systems, mapping them and presenting their genealogy together with short descriptions. The publication takes the form of a newspaper as a global diary of the 20th century – regardless of the way the systems developed or the number of readers. It is comprised of two press titles: The Script Hunter and The True International New York Times. The projects reminds us that the Latin alphabet is not used in the whole world and that learning new writing systems is a method of learning about other cultures – the way given communities note down their language can tell us a lot about their mindset.