Sylwia Sapała (PL)
Creatures – design of a toy enhancing creativity in pre-school children
B.A. project
Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow
prof. dr hab. Piotr Bożyk
The author’s goal was to attract children’s attention away from the electronic gadgets they spend so much time with, becoming addicted to this form of entertainment. As an alternative, she proposed creative play using a set of wooden toys, comprised of three abstract forms with holes of various sizes and 50 pegs with adequate diameters and special cuts. The set also includes flexible connecting elements used to attach the wooden components to children’s precious finds brought from a park or a forest. The project is a boost for imagination and it evokes many associations: some people see animals in the shapes of the elements, others see monsters or complex machines. In the process of designing the toy, the author followed the standards of children’s toy safety. The project has been created in cooperation with the Bajo company.