Kristína Uličná (SK)
Study of the studios
M.A. project
Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava
doc. Mgr. art. Pavol Bálik
Many graduates of graphic design have no idea which direction to take once they leave university. This book is meant to guide them. It presents interviews with designers, who work as freelancers or are employees of design studios and creative agencies. The statistics that emerge as part of the conversations are presented as infographics. Readers can also take a look at the designers’ working spaces. The book has a minimalist layout, using a single typeface, while the comb binding and several types of paper allude to the office culture in design studios. The visualisations of the designers’ work are randomly distributed across the book, which invites spontaneity to the experience. The publication can be also used as a source of knowledge about graphic design in Slovakia in recent years.