The project is a visual interpretation of selected elements of the literary oeuvre of Stanisław Lem – the legend of Polish science fiction. Między-Gwiezdnik [“Between-the-Stars”] is a cosmic dictionary with illustrated neologisms created by the writer. Odkryj Planety Lema [“Discover Lem’s Planets”] consists of six sheets presenting the descriptions and visual representations of the various worlds created in Lem’s books. Ciała Planetarne [“Planetary Bodies”] is an atlas which contains the designers’ impressions concerning some of the subjects explored in Lem’s novels. The set of publications is a tribute to the abundance of imagination and the wisdom of literature. As such, they are aimed at reaching new readers. The author intends to show the diversity of other worlds and their inhabitants to build acceptance and sensitivity to the Otherness. Readers can find and accept it in themselves, in other people, and – perhaps – on different planets..