The project is the author’s publication about organised crime in Poland in 1990–1999. Readers meet the most famous Polish gangsters and their practices as well as the secrets of the most notorious conflicts in the criminal underworld. The publication refers to the described decade both in contents and in design, playing the role of a unique time machine. It consists of four sections: Przestępcze sprawki [“The criminal doings”], Życie wesołej ferajny [“The life of the merry gang”], Gangsterzy vs. gliniarze [“Gangsters vs. Cops”], and Gangsterskie porachunki [“The gang feuds”]. The main narrative is based on actual press articles from the 1990s, carefully selected by the author. The newspaper excerpts were complemented by modern commentaries and infographics – charts, timelines, and maps presenting Polish gangsters of the 1990s and helping readers in understanding the subject.