
  1. This is a Central European review of graduation projects (Master’s and Bachelor’s) in graphic design (2D) and industrial design (3D) in their broadest definitions – including web pages, APS, screen applications and functional interactive design, fabric, clothing, glass, and ceramics, excluding one-of-a-kind works – organized in the framework of the “G4” European Design Review.
  2. The review is not a competition, it is a selection by Zamek Cieszyn (PL) and the editors of (PL) and Typo (CZ) magazines, international design institutions: Hungarian Design Council (HU), Slovak Design Centre (SK), Articsók Stúdió (HU), and the 1977 organization (SK), hereinafter referred to as “the organizers.”
  3. Graduation projects (Master’s and Bachelor’s) defended from the 1nd of November 2023 to the 31st of October 2024 can participate in the review.
  4. Only the graduation projects defended in schools of the Visegrad Group countries or by citizens of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary studying abroad may be submitted for the review.
  5. Projects are submitted for the review by the designers, or, in the case of group projects, by the design teams. However, project teams may submit only one submission of the same work.
  6. The projects should be submitted by 3 November 2024.
  7. The basis for submitting a work for the review is filling in the form available at, including a maximum of 10 illustrations in JPG files, saved in display resolution (no more than 1600 × 1200 pixels [h/w] in RGB colors) and a description of the work (max. 2000 characters). The description can include links to films or web pages presenting the designs. Detailed guidelines regarding descriptions and the method of uploading works can be found on the project website in the "take part, FAQ"
  8. The designers give their consent to the unpaid publication of the submitted materials and their presentation at exhibitions, and to the processing and use of their personal data for the publication, promotion, and execution of the exhibition.
  9. The review’s qualifying commission will consist of representatives of all the organizers.
  10. The selected works will be presented at an exhibition organized by Zamek Cieszyn in the 1st quarter of 2025, in a catalogue, and on the review’s web page ( If the organizers receive additional financial support, exhibitions will be organized in the other Polish cities as well and abroad during selected design festivals.
  11. The number of works marked for publication and for exhibition will be settled by the qualifying commission.
  12. The organizers will inform the participants about the selection committee's verdict by e-mail and on the review website no later than by the 14th of January 2025.
  13. The organizers will settle the deadlines and the manner of preparing the selected works for publication and possible exhibition with the designers via e-mail or telephone.
  14. For all matters not covered by the regulations, the review organizers’ voice is conclusive.
  15. For all matters associated with the review, contact should be made via e-mail, in Polish, Czech or in English, with the review commissioner, Stefan Mańka (
  16. 1) The Controller of the submitted personal data is Zamek Cieszyn, ul. Zamkowa 3abc, 43-400 Cieszyn. The processing of personal data will follow the principles provided in the (EU) 2016/679 Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation). 2) The personal data of the participants and winners will be processed for the purposes of organization and execution of the review and the exhibition and for marketing purposes. 3) The submission of personal data is voluntary and at the same time necessary to take part in the competition. 4) The participants who have submitted their personal data have the right to access their data and – subject to the provisions of law – the right to: rectify, erase, limit the use of, or transfer their personal data as well as to object to or withdraw the consent at any time. 5) The organizers will collect the following data: name and surname, place of residence, e-mail address, telephone number. 6) Additionally, the organizers will collect the following data:correspondence address (to send back the project items), PESEL (personal registration/identification number), date of birth. 7) The participants have the right to lodge a complaint to the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection. 8) The participants give consent to the use of their names and surnames for information purposes related to the results of the competition (also in the media) and in the exhibition catalogue and on information boards about the projects. 9) The organizers declare that the participants’ data will not be processed by automated means and will not undergo profiling. 10) The participants’ data will not be disclosed to third parties, unless provided otherwise by the provisions of law. 11) The participants' data will be stored for a period which is necessary for the abovementioned purposes, but no longer than 3 years from the date of the review’s ending. 12) The organizers use technical and organizational measures aiming to ensure due protection of the submitted personal data which are adequate to the threats and category of the protected data. The organizers have implemented adequate measures in order to ensure the level of safety which corresponds to the risk, taking into account the state of technical knowledge, the cost of the implementation, the nature, scope, purpose, and context of processing as well as the risk regarding the rights and freedoms of data subjects of varying likelihood and severity. In particular, the organizers take into account the risk connected with data processing resulting from: accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to personal data transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed. 13) Processing of personal data will be based on the consent to process personal data. 14) More information at: