Marek Minor (SK)
App for Driving School Students
M.A. project
Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava
Ján Šicko
This app is meant to help learn the basics of traffic rules and prepare for a driver’s license examination. The interactive iPad programming will not replace traditional driving lessons, but it does make a good complement. The app covers issues in driving theory and gives tests to the user. In the test section, the user has access to a full explanation of the road situation after choosing an answer; the points accumulated in the tests are meant to motivate the user. With the simple icons and illustrations, the app generally seems functional and structured. It can be immediately updated if road regulations change. The app can be expanded and more functions added, something which gives it a great deal of potential to become a market product. Our only reservation was in the color scheme of the arrows showing the directions of the various vehicles. They correspond to the colors of the vehicles, though we might unconsciously conclude that the (red) automobile with the red arrow is meant to give way to the (green) automobile with the green arrow.