Piotr Górski (PL)
Product – the Results of Ergonomic Analyses of The Hand
M.A. project
Koszalin University of Technology
Prof. dr hab. Jacek Ojrzanowski
At a first glance, one takes this design as a whimsical attempt to realize the saying that handwriting resembles “chicken scratches.” Graduation projects ought to take up and solve concrete problems – in this case, using the fundamental and (so it would seem) most natural method of jotting down information with a fingertip, like leaving marks on the ground. We acknowledged the attempt as successful – it is interesting, bold, and even witty, in that it seems to be winking at the observer. And yet behind this joke lies a solution for people with manual difficulties, without a thumb or other fingers, who are unable to grip a traditional pen. The designer demonstrates the scope of the problem, quoting National Institute of Hygiene statistics: every year 4,000 people nationwide suffer injuries ending with amputation of a thumb or fingers. The product presented here is to be used with a single finger, upon which the surrounding three-point construction rests. The combination of stiff and flexible materials facilitates free movement of the implement. The university has collaborated in patenting this invention.
The functioning model was made by Bibus Menos.