Zsófia Pressing (HU)
PUCOLJ! Collective waste collection
M.A. project
Budapest Metropolitan University
Master Borsa Aliz
The increasing littering of Earth is one of the key problems nowadays. This graduation project is a board game which functions as a playful tool to teach children and teenagers the methods of selective waste collection. Two up to four participants can play the game, competing with each other to find and sort waste into their containers. As a reward, they receive points in the form of various leaves of existing trees, shrubs, and small plants. The construction of this project alludes to the memories of board games that the author used to play as a child. The rules and graphic elements, on the other hand, draw from the idea of the circle of life; they are also inspired by the shape of honeycomb. The modular elements add flexibility to the game, as new variants can be created. The game is made of biodegradable materials, such as paper, wood, and cotton. It can be carried easily, as it fits well into a small string bag.