Natasza Sałańska (PL)
Table Settings for My Grandfather. Helping the Elderly and Visually Impaired
M.A. project
Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków
prof. Czesława Frejlich
This set is made of four dishes (a cup, bowl, dinner plate, and dessert plate) and a tray. The main task was to make mealtime easier for the elderly and visually impaired, to facilitate their independence as far as possible, and to achieve conditions resembling traditional ones. The tray has relief areas to facilitate the placing and positioning of dishes, and serving as orientation points for a user guided by the sense of touch. Magnets keep the dishes and cutlery in position, and prevent slippage. The dishes have curved, elongated places on their edges, serving as points of orientation, marking the position of the food on the plates, providing a sure grip, and easy shifting and lifting. The elevated parts of the edge of the plate help the user scoop up the food; the lowered parts give access to the meal. The form of the bowl is designed for two-handed use, so that it can be held stable and the liquid can be drunk. The tray and dishes are designed for both left- and right-handed people. Most importantly, the set in no way stigmatizes the visually impaired – it discreetly helps them to be independent during mealtime.