Alena Stanková (SK)
Book design in practice
M.A. project
Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava
Pavel Choma, Marcel Benčík
The print industry has made great strides in our day. The available technologies allow us to make every designer’s dream come true. Professional bookbinders can help us to fulfill the client’s every whim. But for this we require money. The more complex and sophisticated solutions generally exceed the budget of the young designer or student. Alena Stanková has the cure for these frustrations. She has studied the available literature, beginning with the historical sources, going through some Internet suggestions, and ending with the more unhinged ideas available on the web. As it turns out, many of the technical solutions for the construction, binding, and finishing of books can be rendered independently, at home or in a studio, using your own tools and a very minimal financial outlay. The designer created a “do-it-yourself” book with a library to provide an example of the instructions contained within.