Virág Agg (HU)
A New Version of the Budget Smartly Board Game
M.A. project
Budapest Metropolitan University of Applied Sciences
Brittnek Andrea
A board game can be more than family entertainment and a way of spending time with friends – it can often have an educational component as well. Such is the case with Budget Smartly, created in 1966 as a response to America’s popular Monopoly – the infamous tool for promoting ruthless capitalist competition. In Budget Smartly the players aim to support themselves off their work, whose crowning glory might be the possession of a fully‑furnished private home or apartment. The game has undergone several metamorphoses. The version put forward by Virág Agg focuses on architecture and design details. The game has six kinds of accommodation typically found in contemporary Budapest, from the old, eclectic apartment buildings in the town center, the lofts, the block housing, and the houses with yards to the modern condominiums. The range of housing options reflects today’s diverse lifestyles. In Agg’s game design also takes the form of architecture, available conveniences (e.g. saunas, billiard rooms, and the option of putting a barbeque in the garden), and the choice of various objects. The game develops design awareness and lets you match interior furnishings with the inhabitants’ personalities. The main motto here is a proverb: “Like master, like house.”